
            This site is vegan, but it is also WHOLE-FOODS, PLANT-BASED. If you’re reading this, you probably already know what that means, but in case you don’t, here’s the gist.

(I’m not fond of abbreviations, but whole-foods, plant based is a mouthful, so you’ll see WFPB throughout this site

WFPB means eating a wide variety of minimally processed foods. On the “in” list are grains, vegetables, legumes (beans), tubers (yams), seeds, nuts, fruits, whole-grain breads, pastas, and plant-based milks. On the “out” list are pretty much all other processed foods, especially those with white flour, white rice, artificial flavors and sweeteners, added fat, and of course all meat and dairy.

I do not refer to this as a diet. The word diet has morphed into meaning a food strategy designed to lose weight. If you are currently using the Standard American Diet (SAD) eating strategy, you will absolutely lose weight eating WFPB. But that is not what WFPB is all about. WFPB is about maximum health and vitality.

Vegan vs. Whole-Food, Plant-Based

Vegan and WFPB are often synonymous, yet different beasts. Vegan means no animal products. So, go to the burger joint and live on sodas and fries and ¡presto! you are vegan. You might not live long, but you will be a vegan. WFPB is always vegan, in the sense of eating no animal products, but it adheres to more uptight health standards. You can be a junk-food vegan or a healthy-food vegan. But you can’t be a junk food WFPB.

There are other reasons not to eat the animals

I’m WFPB primarily for health reasons. However, the humanitarian and environmental reasons are certainly a consideration. The longer I eat this way, the more important these issues become to me.